Friday, November 20, 2009

Look what she can do now!!!

So the moment finally came and I realized that I have shared this with precious few people. Our little girl is finally walking!!! And I don't mean one or two steps here or there. I mean truckin' it across our living room, turning around, and running back. Some people have asked me when she started walking. Here's the thing, she started taking steps by herself about 2 months ago. Everyone told me once she takes those first steps it won't be long until she's running. Well that was a big fat lie. She toyed with the idea of walking forever. She could practically run if she was holding on your finger but as soon as you let go, down she went. I think her turning point was 2 weeks ago when we went to see her big cousins Hayden and Natalie. I think she saw them running around and had her own little epiphany. I know every kid walks eventually, but I still feel so proud each time I see her walk across the room. She makes my heart smile!

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