Monday, November 1, 2010

iPad iPlease

Date night is usually just me and Dave but last month we had an event to attend. Dave is a member of this local business group of medical professionals. No, he didn't change jobs, but a lot of his clients are in the medical field so by being a member he gets to attend luncheons every month, gets their member list to prospect and network. Twice a year they have a social event. This fall it was held at the Lichterman Nature Center in Memphis. This place was so neat, but more on that in a later post. Mom and I ended up taking Emily there during her visit. But this particular evening there was food, dancing, and door prizes. I rarely win anything. But for some reason everyone who won anything was standing next to this one lady. So during the second round of door prizes Dave and I, and like 5 other people, jokingly stood as close to this lady as possible. People were rubbing her head like a magic lamp. I chose to rub only her elbow. Odd enough, it was working! The next 2 people to win were touching this lady! So our rubbing intensified and behold! The last prize of the night was an iPod and we won!
On a side note the girl who had to call out Dave's name was an interesting little thing. She is A) a competitor of Dave's, selling a similar product. B) She had grabbed his butt earlier in the night. Not that he wasn't dancing with his wife ALL night. But hey lady, if you think your moves are that good, go for it. It made for a good laugh all the way home. To our house... where we sleep together every night. Hope that butt grab made your night. Poor girl. So thanks, but I'll just take me husband and my new iPad home with me. :)

Our good friends Andy and Mary. They won too. Not an iPad, but a $100 gift certificate to Carrabba's.

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